Located on the West Oakland Waterfront, Just SouthEast of the Bay Bridge, the Base made Oakland a major player in U.S. military efforts. It served as an army cargo and warehousing facility, transporting millions of tons of cargo in WWII, the Korean War, and later military operations.

“The Army Base and the Naval Station in Alameda were where most of the logistics for WWII and the Vietnam War were carried out. Thousands of families came to work in the military bases during WWII. Many of the families, including my father-in-law who was a naval officer (chief petty officer) worked at the naval base and at Treasure Island. So, a lot of Oakland and … Bay Area families have roots that are related to those stations.”
– Mayor Jean Quan

“The renovation of the former Oakland Army Base into the Oakland Global Trade Logistics Project […] Since the 1940’s, we have promulgated a lot of new laws and a lot of rules followed for how we deal with storm water, how we deal with the environment, how we build roads…to standards that will then serve our community for the next 50-100 years.”
– Developer Phil Tagami

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