Master plans can be developed in a variety of ways, and have an important role in determining the shape of the urban environment. If not well conceived, they can lead to problems in the future. AD recognizes that master plans are predominantly long-term documents, which must also be flexible enough to be altered in the short-term, based on changing project conditions.

AD creates dynamic long-term planning documents that provide a conceptual guide for future growth and development. Our master planning experience includes performing the necessary analyses, making valuable recommendations, and managing proposals for each site’s population, economy, housing, transportation, community facilities, and land use. We use a variety of data sources in their creation, including public input, surveys, planning initiatives, existing development information, physical characteristics, and social and economic conditions to create master planning documents whose purpose is to:
- Develop a phasing and implementation schedule and identify priorities for action.
- Act as a framework for regeneration and attract private sector investment.
- Conceptualize and shape the three-dimensional urban environment.
- Define public, semiprivate, and private spaces and public amenities.
- Determine the mix of uses and their physical relationship.
- Engage the local community and act as builder of consensus.
- Visioning & Scoping
- Baseline Information/Supporting
Documentation Development - Feasibility Studies
- Site Evaluation
- Urban Design Analysis
- Core Competency Identification
- Land Use Option Identification
- Modeling
- Preliminary Cost Estimating
- Final Plan Development